David McComas
Chief Operating Officer
As Chief Operating Officer (COO), David is responsible for the implementation, execution, and performance of customer requirements and obligations across the Hui Huliau family of companies. David ensures systems, processes, personnel, and infrastructure are in place to successfully execute high-quality global operations, business plans, and customer engagements.
David hails from Huntington, West Virginia, and previously served as Hui Huliau’s Vice President of Operations, Atlantic Division. He also served as COO of AC4S, a Hui Huliau subsidiary, prior to AC4S joining the Hui Huliau family of companies. David's military career spanned twenty-seven years and included service as Command Sergeant Major for the Joint Communications Support Element, MacDill Air Force Base, Florida, and the 112th Special Operations Signal Battalion, Fort Bragg, North Carolina. David’s operational deployments and Army campaigns include service in Turkey, Honduras, Panama, Bahrain, Saudi Arabia, Kosovo, Iraq, and Afghanistan.
David is a graduate of the United States Army Sergeants Major Academy and obtained a Bachelor of Science degree in Computer Studies from the University of Maryland University College. David’s military decorations include the Defense Superior Service Medal, Legion of Merit, Bronze Star Medal, and Meritorious Service Medal. David is also a graduate of the U.S. Army’s Jumpmaster and Air Assault courses.